Han Hyo Joo Interview. She Talks a lot about her friends Lee Seung gi. Han Hyo Joo and Lee Seung Gi really sweet.

** Woow.Thanks so much for http://lsgfan.wordpress.com has already translate HHJ interview. Thanks buat temen2 di soompi  forum  http://www.soompi.com  yang dengan sangat cepatnya memposting news & pics terbaru dari onnie Hyo Joo. Buat temen2 SeungJoo shipper juga, ga ada loe ga rame bicarain SeungJoo !! So hopefully SeungJoo be a Real Couple in a Real Life.amin.**  

**Buat SeungJoo Shipper pasti kegirangan liat ini artikel.ahahaha. Gw sangat cinta sama pasangan ini Seung gi_Hyo Joo. Loved them so much.**
Her gratitude towards same-aged friend Lee Seung Gi’s advice
Whether it was due to being able to relax or because of body aches, after completing filming for “Dong Yi,” Han Hyo Joo revealed “I feel as if I’ve overcome a big mountain in which there seemed to be no end in sight.” In particular, she aroused a lot of curiosity when she said “There were times when things were so hard I wanted to give up, but Lee Seung Gi’s advice helped me.”

Han Hyo Joo said “I still keep in touch with Seung Gi every now and then. And seeing that I got a phone call right at a time when things were really tough for me, I complained to him that things were difficult. At that time Seung Gi was able to clearly pinpoint my problem. Seung Gi said ‘If you say it’s hard once, then things really start to get difficult’ and I was really able to identify with that statement.” She said “After that, I never once let out that things were hard.”

Same age peers, Han Hyo Joo and Lee Seung Gi were perfectly matched in 40% viewership ratings popular drama Brilliant Legacy.”

Getting a phone call from Seunggi after Dong Yi ended
Actress Han Hyo Joo talks about her ongoing connection to singer-actor Lee Seung Gi after their well matched chemistry shown in last year’s SBS drama Brilliant Legacy.

She revealed “Whether I’m starting a project or wrapping up one, I am in contact with Lee Seung Gi every now and then.” She added “Somehow he knew about the final episode broadcast of Dong Yi. Afterwards I heard from him and he said ‘You did a good job. Let’s meet up once before the end of the year.’ I was really thankful.” She said with a laugh, “I know very well how Seunggi lives his life.”

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Seunggi’s kiss scenes, Shin Min Ah
When asked whether she had watched Lee Seung Gi’s drama My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, she said “Ironically, each time I tuned in, they were all kiss scenes” and added with a laugh, “he did better job compared to Brilliant Legacy.” She shared, I had already received a text message from the Brilliant Legacy PD earlier on saying ‘He’s doing a better job than when he did the kiss scene with you.’ (laughter) I’m not jealous. The drama’s storyline is fun, and Seunggi also did a good acting job.”

“Shin Min Ah was so pretty. I was a big Shin Min Ah fan early on. Soon, after meeting up with Seunggi first, it would be great to see Shin Min Ah too. (chuckles) Now that I’m finished with filming, I plan to watch My Girlfiriend is a Gumiho from the start.”

Seunggi as a friend and his textbook advice
“I am in contact with Seunggi every now and then, and we also text. Seunggi is like… how would I describe him? He is a very upright friend. From the first time I met him until now, he has not changed; he is a good friend. He says a lot of things to me that give me strength and encouragement.”

However, there were flaws even for “upright guy” Lee Seung Gi. “He definitely gives me advice, but the problem is that it is really formal. (chuckles) I give out non-textbook advice, but that friend always gives textbook example advice. Even still, I think that he is a really good friend. However, next time I would be thankful if he gave me some more varied and different advice. (laughter)”

Then does that mean Lee Seung Gi regularly monitored Dong Yi? “I often monitored My Girlfriend is a Gumiho as well, and Seunggi monitored Dong Yi too. Because he is an actor associated with a very good, memorable, and well-matched previous project, we both had high hopes of wanting the best for our individual projects.” She said “The Brilliant Legacy team recently met up for dinner but due to the final filming for Dong Yi, I was unable to attend.”

Preferring Ji Jin Hee over Lee Seung Gi
However, the actor she boasted about was Ji Jin Hee, a perfect match able to go beyond Lee Seung Gi. “Even still, it was more fun with Ji Jin Hee sunbae. You say that Seunggi may feel hurt? He has Shin Min Ah, you know. (chuckles) Do you know what a great person Ssunbae is? Even though
Her gratitude towards same-aged friend Lee Seung Gi’s advice

Seeing Seunggi more as an actor than a singer
“While working with Seunggi, I wasn’t cognizant of him as a singer. For some reason, he didn’t seem like a singer. For me, he is simply an actor.” She continued, “I don’t at all mean that he isn’t like that of a singer. You cannot misunderstand what I said.”

She emphasized “It’s because I first met him when I was 19 years old on MBC sitcom Nonstop and even then he was a peer actor to me. That’s why him as an actor has a stronger impression,” she explained with a laugh. She added, “Actually it’s also because I haven’t really seen him singing upfront.” She expressed, “For me, Seunggi is a good actor colleague.”

She said, “I see Seunggi more as an actor than a singer. Even though he’s a friend, he also motivates me in a big way. For me, acting alone can be too much, so I respect Seunggi’s ability to handle acting and singing, all things perfectly.”

Thoughts on Seunggi’s music
When asked about her taste in music, she said that she liked indie bands. She added “I like popular music too” adding “I like YoungWoong JaeJoong’s song.” She indicated that she came to value TVXQ’s music while filming Telecinema’s Heaven’s Postman with YoungWoong JaeJoong. However, after hesitating when asked how she felt about Lee Seung Gi’s music, she said in a shaky voice with a chuckle, “I like Seunggi’s music too.” She said “Although I don’t have the skills to put out a song, if the opportunity presents itself, I would like to perform in a play or musical.”

Sources: Sports Khan; Asia Today; Star News; DongA; TV Daily; FNN; Sports Chosun
credit : soompi


  1. i love seungjoo,,hope lee seung gi n han hyo joo be real couple ever ! amin =)

  2. yoai..love them so muchhhhhhh..
    Real couple in Real Life *amin..amin*

  3. tijah seungjoo :
    ounnie...knp videox bl yg sm kang ho dong gk bs dputar ??? di youtube dl ada , tp skrg uda gk da lg TT , ounnie uda s4 download it video kah ???

  4. @ tijah : iya,biasa emang klo vidiox dposting dblog..srg2 ga bs dputar..coba tijah double klik vidio yg mau dliat..nnti dalamtkn lgs k you tube..gw pny byk URL ttg BL,seungJoo..tp kbykn dah ga bs kputar..soalx udh dihapus sm pmilikx..Tijah coba searc d youku ..sprtx vidiox msh byk dsitu.

    oia.tijah,gw udh coba double klik vidiox tapi,sayangnya "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement"
    udh diterminated....hiks..hiks..


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